Sunday, 5 July 2009

New GUCP seal design for Space Shuttle STS127 External Tank H2 venting passes tanking leak test

Mike Moses - Launch Integration Manager provides an epic explanation of the solution to fix the Ground Umbilical Carrier Plate or GUCP seal that failed on the last two attempts to launch STS127 Space Shuttle Endeavour.

To compensate for a build up of tolerances during manufacture of the External fuel tank and other misalignment issues, a new seal type has been developed for STS127. This new two part seal was tested successfully in real conditions by filling the External tank with liquid Hydrogen and no leaks were measured by the mass spectrometer which is the device used to monitor Hydrogen gas concentrations of the surrounding air around the GUCP.

This clears the way for a targeted launch date of 11th July at 23:39 UTC/GMT for Space Shuttle Endeavour.

NASA STS127 Mission Briefings

Space Shuttle Merchandise UK, USA

1 comment:

  1. Gas leak testing should be the number one priority for every project that deals with inflammable gas.
